Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Week Three and Moving Forward

 The school year is off and running. We are heading into week four with a positive attitude as we stay focused on creating opportunities for students in the classrooms and activities. Our students continue to celebrate successes in and out of the classroom as we begin preparing for Homecoming. 


Week three provided a few challenges for us as we learned more about the impact COVID-19 could have on a school. We all learned the importance of staying vigilant in stressing to the students the importance of social distancing at all times while continuing to wear a facemask when practical and always practicing proper hygiene. Following these simple recommendations will allow our students to stay in school as they work towards their goals. The support of parents in reminding their children of these guidelines is much appreciated. I want to thank all the parents who have notified use when their child has tested positive or was in close contact with an individual who tested positive. Your willingness to communicate with the school allows us to move more quickly to develop the close contact list and stop the virus's spread. 

We are confident as we move forward in developing learning remotely, virtually, and traditionally that your child will be successful in education. We all need to continue working together and understand the challenges individuals face as we strive to do what is best for our school students. We will continue to learn, as we all stay focused on keeping the students engaged in learning.  

Information provided below and in the link offers guidance on Self-Quarantine, Self-Isolation, and Self Monitoring.  

  1. Children being tested for COVID -19, need to stay home while they wait for the results. 
  2. Children identified as close contacts should be watched for shortness of breath, cough, and fever. Please take your child's temperature twice a day.
  3. Please document symptoms and the dates in which the symptoms occur. This is valuable information as we determine who close contacts may be.

Please feel free to contact the school at any time if you have questions.


Tim Frederick


Mobridge-Pollock Schools

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