Monday, November 23, 2020

Holiday Season

 The first semester of the 20-21 school year is moving along at a great pace. We have made it through 13 weeks of academics and a fall activity season where we watched our students have great success while dealing with challenges we have not seen before.  Students participating in school remotely, virtually, and traditionally has become somewhat the norm for most schools across the nation, including the MP School District.  With this challenge being met by students, I need to thank the teachers and classified staff in our school district for putting in the extra time necessary to make learning a reality for all students, no matter the model of instruction provided to the student.   

We have a great challenge ahead of us going into the holidays.  Like myself, I am certain many of you are eager to spend quality time with family and friends as they travel home for the holidays. With this, we all must be careful about how we decide to come together as families. The impact the holidays will have on our school system is yet to be seen.  

Over the next week, I want to encourage all families to enjoy time together.  We have made it through a period of time that many folks predicted would not happen. We need to stay vigilant with preventive practices as we spend time together to guarantee learning opportunities for students and growth in our communities in the future.  

I hope all of you have a great holiday season.  


Tim Frederick


MP Schools

Holiday Season

 The first semester of the 20-21 school year is moving along at a great pace. We have made it through 13 weeks of academics and a fall activ...