Tuesday, September 1, 2020


The Mobridge-Pollock School District started school on August 24th. We had an incredible first week of school following our Return to School plans and all the prevention strategies. The students have been very supportive of the plans as they have shared with us how much they want to be in school and stay in school. Knowing this, we all realize we must be vigilant in our processes while staying focused on student learning. As we have shared with many, our objective this year is to make it to the end while keeping the focus on student learning.  

 The school district has moved forward with virtual learning opportunities for our students. I have been impressed with the students and teachers as they collaborate to make virtual and traditional synchronized in the classrooms at school and in the students' homes. The teachers continue to learn new tricks to their trade as they meet the needs of all students. A special thanks to all the great educators in the MP School District. You are doing a fantastic job!!

The fall activity season is underway. The teams are all doing great at this time. Please use the school website to follow the Fall Activity Plan to read up on the school district's phase regarding fan attendance and prevention plans being implemented. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call my office or feel free to stop by for a visit.  


Tim Frederick


Mobridge-Pollock Schools  

(605) 845-9204

Holiday Season

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