Friday, October 23, 2020

Students and Teachers Connecting

 In taking time to reflect upon the challenges we have been through since March of 2020, I find myself very thankful that I have the opportunity to surround myself with the spirit that embraces young people and the individuals who teach and guide our students. As a community and school, we have learned how to prepare for and live through a pandemic while educating using learning models that allow all students to grow.  This process has been gratifying to see teachers and students collaborate in the classrooms, online, and in one-on-one conversations occurring virtually and traditionally.  It is very apparent today's students and educators recognize what they missed from March through to May, and they do not want to return to being isolated.  

Congratulations to all the students being inducted into the National Honor Society on November 9th. This is a great accomplishment.  I also want to wish all of our student-athletes the best as they prepare for state meets and the playoffs.  All of your hard work over the past years is about to pay off.  Enjoy building last memories with your classmates and teammates over the next few weeks in striving to achieve common goals.

I would like to remind all of our students and community members how important it is to continue practicing social distancing and good hygiene. As a school district, we will continue to monitor our preventative plans' effectiveness as we focus on our students' and employees' health while we continue to educate.  

Below are some little reminders to keep everyone safe at school, in the community, and at home:

1. Wash your hands with soap and water regularly throughout the day.

2. Social distance at all times.  Stay 6 ft. away from others when conversing. 

3. When you cannot stay 6 ft. away from someone, please be respectful and put your mask on as we try to protect others and ourselves. 

4. When your child has symptoms or is sick, please keep them home until they feel better. 

5. When attending activities, please respect each other by sitting 6 ft. apart and/or sitting with your family members. 

We have been successful in limiting the amount of COVID exposure in our school.  With the flu and cold season upon us, we need to continue to be diligent in our preventative practices to support our students and community. 


Tim Frederick


Mobridge-Pollock Schools

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